Research Proposal



Class: S2-09

Group Reference:C

1.    Indicate the type of research that you are adopting:
Measure a function or relationship: Experimental research 
Construct a model: Theoretical sciences and applied mathematics

2.    Write a research proposal of your interested topic in the following format:

Title:How does the shape of a paper aeroplane affect its flight distance?

A.    Question or Problem being addressed

Does the size affect the distance traveled by the paper aeroplane?
Does the shape affect the distance traveled by the paper aeroplane?
Which aspect should be incorporated to make the best aeroplane?

B.    Goals / Expected Outcomes / Hypotheses

-We hope to achieve the "best" shape a paper aeroplane can become.  
-We think that different different shapes of the aeroplanes affect its flight.
-The difference in shape will cause the air flowing through plane to be different as well.


Our hypothesis on the project is that we think that different shape will affect the flight of the plane due to the flow of the air through the plane.

C.    Description in detail of method or procedures (The following are important and key items that should be included when formulating ANY AND ALL research plans.)

Equipment list:

~MacBook Pro
~Reference book 
~Sources from the web 
~Measuring Tape 

Diagram / pictures : 

• Procedures: 

1. Gather relevant material including A4 size paper , a computer , measuring tape.
2. Find an open space to carry out the throwing of the air planes 
3. Measure a fixed distance for the plane to fly, preferably 20 meters.
4. Getting the table or graph ready for the recording of data 
5. Fold 3 different shapes of paper air plane according to
6. Throw each plane 20-30 times and record down distance traveled 
7. Take the average of each plane. 
8. Compare the results. Take the worst reading and the best reading.
(If the plane did not fly straight , use the string to measure the straight line distance of the flight of the plane )
9. Use the plane that has the worst reading and the plane that has the best reading 
10. Research online about the statistics of both the paper planes chosen.
11. Read up about how come the plane with the better reading flies better than the plane with the worst reading.
12. Take down the results of our finding
13. Confirm our hypothesis

• Risk and Safety: 
Risk :The risk is that the plane might hit the eye of other people if not thrown properly
or not thrown in a proper location.

Assessment : However the chances of this happening would be low because we would be
choosing an appropriate location to carry out our experiment.

Management :  If in an event that this were to happen , if it is a minor injury , i would let
them wash their eyes to ease the pain. In a event that it is a serious injury , i would
encourage them to go see a doctor just in case anything happens. 

4. Describe the disposal procedures that will be used (when applicable).
After we are done using the planes , we can put them in a recycling bin otherwise those paper would be wasted as there is nothing written on it. 

5. List the source(s) of safety information.
Instructions given by teachers in regards to safety

Data Analysis: 

1. Take down the distance that the planes traveled and take the average of the results of each plane.
2. Take down the results and put the results in a graph or table.
3. Compare the results , choosing the plane that travelled the furthest  and the plane that travelled the shortest distance.  
4. Take down what we have found out. 
5. Research online on the planes that we used 
6. Research about how come the plane with the better reading flies better than the plane with the worst reading 
7. Take down what we have found out 
8. Confirm our hypothesis. 

D. Bibliography: 

(n.d.).  Airplane Wing Geometry and Configurations. 

Experience the freedom of flight. Retrieved from

/airplane-wing-geometry-and-configurations.html. Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

Bailey, K. (2006) Free Paper Airplanes-Learn About Flight." Fun Paper Airplanes. 

Retrieved from About Flight.html

Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

(2006). How does an airplane fly? Chanute Air Museum. Retrieved from Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

(2012, January 25). How wings really work. Retrieved from  Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

Doherty, P. (2000, October 27). Paper Airplane Science. Exploratorium: the 

museum of science, art, and human perception. Retrieved from

/~pauld/activities/flying/PaperAirplaneScience.html. Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

(n.d.) Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers, & Tools. Science Fair Project Ideas, 

Answers, & Tools. Retrieved from 

Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

morel, J. (n.d.). What Is the Effect of Wing Size on a Paper Airplane? eHow: 

Discover the expert in you. Retrieved from

/info_12123958_effect-wing-size-paper-airplane.html. Retrieved on: 19-7-2013

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