
From the results, the distance travelled by the plane is consistent, but also varies based on the plane thrown. As the planes differ from their shape, the planes are affected mostly by their shape. We have also found that as the planes are being thrown, the airplanes become more damaged at their tip, this would affect the flight of the plane.

Key Findings
From our results, we can see that planes differ in the distance travelled.  The planes with a narrower wingspan tended to fly further than those with a wider wingspan.

Explanation of key findings
Through research, we have found out that the reason for this is because of the aspect ratio, wing span² / wing area. A plane with a high aspect ratio has less drag, the force that opposes a plane in motion, and allows the plane to fly for a longer period of time.

Evaluation of hypothesis
The hypothesis has been proven to be true as the distance that the planes flew was different even under the same conditions.

Areas for improvement
We could get a longer ruler to more accurately determine the distance the plane flew. We could also use a string to measure the distance from the start directly to the plane. We would also think that if this experiment

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