
5. Conclusion
After the whole experiment, we can conclude that shape of the plane does matter and its due to the flow of air through the paper plane itself. We also found out that the proportion of the plane also affects the plane. One section cannot be heavier than the other, otherwise the plane cannot fly properly. We also found out that if we throw the plane with a lot of strength, it might not go as far as the ones that we throw slowly and gently. Therefore in conclusion, there are many factors affecting the flight of the plane and through this project we have found out some of them.

5.1 Summary of Findings
We have found out that the shape of the airplanes do affect the distance travelled. We have also found out that the number of throws an airplane was thrown affect the distance travelled because after each throw, the tip of the airplane is damaged and as the number of throws increase, the amount of damage accumulate, making the plane unable to fly properly. We also found out that if we throw the plane with a lot of strength, it might not go as far as the ones that we throw slowly and gently.

5.2 Practical Applications

We are able to apply this findings and it might be in good use in the future. These findings can be used for the building of safer and better airplanes as well as gliders. With all this information, we can learn how to make a plane safe and fly longer without having the need of using so much power to keep the plane up in the air. As tested in the experiment, if huge amount of strength is used to throw the plane, it might not work, with this finding, we might be able to find a solution, to make a glider to be able glide longer without the need of using so much strength.

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